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Clause 1 - The object of this contract is the provision of educational services with online classes and videoconferences, by UWMUSIC - United World Music CNPJ: 24.833.383 / 0001-47, hereinafter simply the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTING PARTY identified in ANNEX 1, as well as the selected course, amount and way of payment. The digital folder available on the CONTRACTOR's website, with the subjects, didactic material, duration, initial and final availability of the chosen course and other conditions, are part of this contract.


Clause 2 - The CONTRACTOR's obligations are:

2.1. ONLINE COURSE: Facilitate, through the login and a specific password, created by the CONTRACTOR, access to the student's folder with the course (s) and subject (s) chosen by the CONTRACTOR, which will be hosted on the page CONTRACTOR's website, or other websites authorized by him;

2.1.1 Release access to the online environment after confirmation of enrollment, which will be solely and exclusively after confirmation of payment by credit card, bank receipt or bank transfer, with the release of teaching material, in the digital folder of the course , start and end of the availability of access to video classes. The deadline to confirm your payment: Credit / debit card: up to 30 minutes, In cash: up to 3 business days and Bank transfer within 2 business days.

2.1.2. Provide educational material for common use, in digital format (for download).

2.2. Respond within 72 hours to the CONTRACTOR's doubts about the didactic material and administrative questions that must be sent to the email:

2.3. Coordinate the course (s) in a pedagogical and administrative way, ensuring their quality.


Clause 3 - It is the obligation of the CONTRACTOR:

3.1. Have equipment and software, following the minimum requirements: Internet access through an ADSL connection or higher with a minimum recommended speed of 1000 Kbps, an updated and correctly configured web browser, being on the desktop version higher than Internet Explorer 9 or in the mobile version with Android system higher than version 4 and Safari with IOS higher than 7, have a permanent email address for the contact. We do not recommend using 3G or 4G technology and having limited data consumption.

3.2. Keep your registration information up to date, as well as guarantee the confidentiality of your password, so as not to allow it to be shared.

Clause 4 - There may be a reduction of hours in some subjects, being compensated in others.


Clause 5

Online courses: if the cancellation request occurs within 7 days after the start of class availability, the amounts paid will be refunded in full.

After the seventh day of the beginning of the availability of classes, in the Online courses, the CONTRACTOR undertakes to reimburse the CONTRACTOR the expenses related to the number of hours or class shifts made available until the day of the confirmation of receipt of the cancellation request plus a contractual fine of 10% of the total amount paid by the CONTRACTOR, in order to maintain the economic-financial balance of the CONTRACTOR.

Clause 6 - The term for the return and / or reversal by the CONTRACTOR of the amounts corresponding to the CONTRACTOR will be:

Course payment by bank transfer, debit card: within 15 days after confirmation of the cancellation request.

Credit card payment: The purchase will be refunded within 14 days of the cancellation request. The aforementioned proof of purchase cancellation will be sent to the CONTRACTOR's email. Due to banking rules, the reimbursed amount will be credited to the contractor's invoice within 45 days.

Clause 7 - If there are expenses to be paid by the contracting party, the reversal of purchases with a credit card, since there is no partial reversal, will only be made after payment by bank transfer or credit card in the act of cancellation to the CONTRACTOR of the expenses verified, if the expenses are paid, it can also be through the payment link sent by the CONTRACTOR.

Clause 8 - The right to repentance is not possible in courses in which all the shifts and / or class hours have already been taught and / or made available in their entirety according to the provisions of this contract and / or digital portfolio of the course , even if there has been no publication of the notice and / or proof of the contest.


Clause 9 - The CONTRACTOR is aware that the service provided by the pedagogical sector will preferably be by email on questions related to the sector. Regarding the clarification of doubts about the subjects and / or contents, there will be specific rules depending on the course option.

Clause 10 - The term of fulfillment of shifts or class schedules, hours of availability of videoconferences and date of completion of the course established in this contract and / or digital folder may be diluted or concentrated due to fortuitous causes or force majeure, prolonged or changed in case that the teaching activities require it.

Sole paragraph - Extra activities such as pre-test reviews, resolution of additional exercises, that is, what goes beyond the contract provided for in the digital folder will be charged separately.

Clause 11 - The possible substitution of teachers and / or lecturers will occur if, for the proper functioning of the course, it is necessary, and this is not a reason for termination of this contract.

Clause 12 - The CONTRACTOR will have access to the classes provided that the financial obligations are up to date with no pending issues.

Clause 13 - The CONTRACTOR will pay the CONTRACTOR, as compensation for the educational services provided, the value (s) of the course (s) established in the digital folder of the course, in accordance with the terms and conditions marked therein, the which are part of this instrument as if they were transcribed in it.

Clause 14 - The payment of the course (s) must be made by THE CONTRACTOR by credit card, bank receipt, bank transfer or any other form chosen by the CONTRACTOR. The payment method of each option mentioned above is subject to what is specified in the digital folder of the course.

Clause 15 - In addition to the filming of classes in the live online course where images of the class and, consequently, of the CONTRACTING PARTY may appear, there may eventually be filming and / or images of interviews of students hired by the local , state or national (television, radio, press and internet), at the level of journalistic reporting, with the intention of disseminating news related to public contests and their preparation, the CONTRACTOR being released from broadcasting authorization in the filming of classes or in the images and interviews produced by radio and television stations, texts and photographs published in newspapers and electronically (internet) for journalistic purposes, and free of payment of any kind to the CONTRACTOR, considering the media fully responsible for the production of the reports and its subsequent publicity in local, state or national media.

Clause 16 - The contractor is authorized to use his image for advertising and "marketing" purposes, without prior authorization and without implying payment of any kind to the contractor, provided that it is taken generically from a group of students, although for a few instants appears individually where your image may eventually appear.

Clause 17 - Regarding the use of the exclusive and individual image of the CONTRACTOR recorded in photography and / or filming for advertising and "marketing" purposes, in the media (television, press and internet), the CONTRACTOR may only be authorized through express authorization of the CONTRACTOR.

Clause 18 - The CONTRACTOR authorizes the CONTRACTOR to disclose his name through the press or any other means of communication, in case of approval in a contest and / or in order to disclose the educational, advertising and "commercial" activities of the Institution without any financial obligations.

Clause 19 - The CONTRACTOR is not responsible for the misuse and / or problems derived from the interruption of the services of the CONTRACTOR's access provider, nor for the interruption of services in cases of lack of electricity supply to the provider's system access, failures in transmission or routing systems in Internet access, incompatibility of user systems with those of the access provider, or any action by third parties that prevents the provision of the service as a result of acts of God or force majeure listed in the Brazilian Civil Code.

Clause 20 - At the CONTRACTOR's facilities, the CONTRACTOR does not authorize the sale of products or services.

Clause 21 - The CONTRACTOR undertakes to follow the rules of conduct established and in force on the Internet, refraining from:

21.1. Violate the privacy of other users;

21.2. Misuse the access codes and / or passwords of other users;

21.3. Reproduce, in any form, the material (s) of the course (s), under penalty of civil and criminal liability, before the CONTRACTOR and third parties, in accordance with Law No. 9.609 of February 19, 1998, for infringement of intellectual property, and its use must be carried out exclusively in a private sphere by the CONTRACTOR.

21.4. Spreading computer viruses and invasive programs that impair the operation of individual computers and networks;

21/5. Attempting to bypass the security system of computers that you are not authorized to access;

21.6. Corrupt or destroy data, files or programs;

21 Disseminate by email your personal promotion for professional, commercial or electoral purposes;

21. 10 Spreading messages that may be considered offensive and subversive or that violate ethical principles;

21. 8 Issue the video class (s) to third parties, and access to them must be made solely and exclusively by the CONTRACTOR.

Clause 22 - The CONTRACTOR reserves the right to interrupt the provision of its educational services by the CONTRACTOR when the login is misused in online courses, conduct that is detrimental to the proper development of the activities of the students and teachers, and even in case of economic pending. (s) (s) by the CONTRACTING PARTY.

22.1 - If the CONTRACTOR has his registration canceled by the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR will return the balance of shifts or hours that must be managed according to the contract or digital folder.

Clause 23 - In case of non-compliance, two percent (2%) of the fine and one percent (1%) of the default interest per month or fraction will be added. Seven (7) days after the payment deadline, the title (s) will be sent to the legal department and it will be communicated to the Credit Protection Service - SPC and / or SERASA.

Clause 24 - Enrollment made online through the website or payment link sent by the CONTRACTOR, prior to the completion of enrollment and payment, requires the CONTRACTOR to read and accept this online agreement, which is also available in the student area. Therefore, the CONTRACTOR declares that if he is enrolled in the course with payment through the CONTRACTOR's website, even without a physical signature of this contract, it was digitally accepted.

Clause 25 - The omitted cases will be resolved by the CONTRACTOR's Management.

Clause 26 - The relationship between the parties will be governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, without taking into account any provision on conflict of laws. The parties choose, to resolve any matter arising from this contract, the São Paulo / SP forum, expressly renouncing any other, however privileged they may be.

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