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Individual and group music therapy sessions for physical, mental and social stimulation and rehabilitation of children, youth and adults.

Through music, we get in touch with our deepest feelings, overcoming fears and barriers that prevent us from being in touch with ourselves.

music therapy course
music therapy for young people
music therapy for children
music therapy for the elderly

The music therapist uses music and its elements - sound, rhythm, melody and harmony - for the physical, mental and social rehabilitation of individuals or groups.


It uses musical instruments, singing, and sound effects to treat people with hearing and speech disorders or mental disabilities.


It also acts in the area of motor rehabilitation, in the restoration of the functions of the injured or convalescent of vascular accidents, cerebral.

​It helps students with learning difficulties and contributes to improve the quality of life of the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. It also promotes the rehabilitation of drug addicts and the reintegration of juvenile offenders.

Music therapy is indicated in the following situations:

  • Depression treatment

  • Post-traumatic stress (after death, separation, divorce, radical change in professional or personal life, accident, serious illness, abortion, childbirth ...

  • Personality disorder

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Phobias

  • Chemical dependencies (alcohol and / or drugs)

  • Eating Disorders (Anorexy, Bulimia)

  • People who are afraid or uncomfortable expressing themselves.

  • Very shy, introverted or socially isolated people

Observations:  Music therapy treatments must have a minimum duration of 3 months.

Online therapy
An Individual Session $ 50 USDollar

A Group Session $37 USDollar

More information
WhatApp: +55 11 3280-7023

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