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Aprende español cantando Instagram Faceb


Singing is one of the most natural and pleasant activities, but in addition to being a pleasant experience, it has several physical and psychological benefits that stimulate linguistics and high levels of concentration and relaxation. Therefore, singing is an essential tool when it comes to learning a new language because when we sing we are stimulating our memory, our vocal and auditory capacities, it increases our self-esteem and confidence, improves our lung capacity, enriches our cultural level and also we helps us free ourselves and be happier. Language, speech and singing have a lot in common since the sounds we make with our voices allow us to express our emotions, communicate with others and share with others an experience that provides a great sense of community.


  • Know and appreciate the Hispanic American and Spanish musical culture.

  • Stimulate auditory discrimination, to increase listening levels and understanding of words and phonemes in the Spanish language.

  • Learn techniques for body posture and voice care for good oral expression.

  • Develop skills to control emotions, to balance stress, nerves and shyness.

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